Did you decide to move abroad, and don´t know where to start? No worries, I got you.
Moving abroad is one of the most radical changes you can face, and one of the most demanding: so much to do, so much to care about, and topics that concern you! The list seems to be infinite, the stress is lying in wait for you, deadlines are getting closer and, in a blink, you are in your new place.
Y todo comienza. Una nueva vida, un nuevo comienzo. Una gran oportunidad para diseñar la vida que quieres para ti, desde cero. Este inicio tiene una gran ventaja: te regala la oportunidad de volver a nacer en muchos ámbitos de la vida. Pero también presenta grandes desafíos que sortear ante los cuales te conviene que empoderes, y mientras antes, mejor.
And everything starts. A new life, a new beginning. A huge opportunity to design the life that you want for yourself, from scratch. This beginning has a big advantage: the gift of a new birth in many aspects of your life. But it brings huge challenges to sort out too, so you need to empower yourself, and the sooner the better.
From Surviving to Thriving is a coaching package that will support you throughout the whole process: from the preparation of your departure until your adjustment and you find you new place in the new country.
With 20 sessions to hold every other week, that is to say 8 months approximately, we can explore your concerns and apprehensions. Thanks to the ELI Assessment we will go deep into your limiting beliefs and judgements about yourself and the world surrounding you. So that you can free yourself from those that don´t serve you, deploy all your talents and discover new aspects about yourself that will amaze you.
Since you are in a place of great uncertainty, totally outside of your comfort zone, where many people lack support networks, they tend to question their identity, which triggers many insecurities and fears. Who am I here, what purpose do I serve and how can I insert myself in this society are frequently asked questions.
A great benefit of coaching is helping you explore, getting to know yourself and relating to yourself in a different way, being able to understand what ails you and take the necessary actions to be the way you want to be, that is, happy, fulfilled, successful.
It will help you make goal-oriented decisions, to become who you really want to be in your new place. The coaching process will facilitate your adjustment and you can save time and suffering. Finding the support you require, at the moment when you are on the expatriate adventure is of utmost importance: we will advance at your pace, supporting and challenging you, giving you the tools you need so that you can reinvent yourself and make your authenticity shine in the country that welcomes you.